Australia Regulatory Information
Australian Government Department of Infrastructure & Transport
Australian Dangerous Goods Code
(Ocrtober 2024) Update: NTC: FW: Supplementary consultation paper on transport of explosives (Class 1). The National Transport Commission (NTC) has released a supplementary consultation paper on transport provisions for class 1 explosives. This paper is additional to the Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (C-RIS) for the draft Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road & Rail (the ADG Code).
Over the past two years, the NTC has been undertaking a comprehensive review of the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail, better known as the ADG Code. A high-level update of the ADG Code happens every two years, however this is the first full review of the ADG Code since the original seventh edition was released in 2007. The Australian Code for the Transport of Explosives by Road & Rail (the AEC) has not been updated since the third edition was published in 2009.
As part of this review, the NTC was asked to incorporate provisions for class 1 explosives into the ADG Code. This consultation paper discusses the provisions for explosives transport. It includes a compilation of the draft provisions for explosives transport. Please note that while this paper focuses on the transport of class 1 explosives, there are some provisions relating to the use of Mobile Processing Units (MPUs) that are included in the paper. It does not address issues relating to the use, storage and handling of explosives.
If you are involved in the transport of class 1 explosives, then this paper will be of interest to you.
The NTC will use the comments received in response to this paper, along with those to the C-RIS, to prepare an ADG Code that includes provisions for the transport of explosives. This will ensure that provisions for explosives, like for other dangerous goods, will be able to be more readily maintained.
We encourage you to share your feedback on the draft provisions for explosives for the ADG Code. Your input will help ensure that the changes make the transport of dangerous goods safer for everyone. These provisions should be read alongside the C-RIS for dangerous goods transport generally.
You can access the consultation paper using the links below, along with the draft provisions for explosives transport. You can also access the full draft of the ADG Code and the C-RIS using the links below.
You can find more information, and lodge a submission through the NTC website. This consultation on explosives closes on 17 December 2024.
To assist in preparing a response, we have prepared a response template that you can use to respond to the questions included in the consultation paper:
If you have any questions, please contact one of the following:
Debra Kirk dkirk@ntc.gov.au Ph: 03 9236 5086
Matt Arkell markell@ntc.gov.au Ph: 03 9236 5067
ADG 7.9 Update (August 2024). The ADG 7.9 has been approved by the Australian Transport Ministers. ADG 7.9 will commence on 1 October 2024, with a 12 month transition period. During the transition period, compliance may be achieved via either ADG 7.8 or ADG 7.9. Please note that some jurisdictions may not have the necessary amendments made to their regulations in time for the 1 October commencement date. You should check with the relevant competent authority (regulator) in your state or territory. The following documents can be accessed from Australian Dangerous Goods Code page on the NTC Website:
- ADG 7.9, excluding Appendix C – Emergency Action (Hazchem) Codes
- ADG 7.9, Appendix C – Emergency Action (Hazchem) Codes. This appendix reproduces information that is subject to a copyright agreement that prohibits it from being printed or copied from. It has been produced separately to the main text in ADG 7.9 to enable stakeholders to print and copy from the main text.
- Overview of differences between 7.8 and 7.9
- Dangerous Goods List in Excel format
ADG Consultation Changes. Australia’s National Transport Commission (NTC) has published a tenth working group discussion paper as part of its full review of the ADG Code. This latest paper examines the special provisions assigned to specific dangerous goods in chapter 3.3 and the provisions for safe carriage, loading, unloading and handling of dangerous goods and compares them to the current code. This paper should be read in conjunction with the draft Part 3 and draft Part 7 of the Code. NTC has included 54 specific questions in the Executive Summary of the paper and is seeking stakeholder views by 22 April. The comment periods for the nine earlier papers have now closed. NTC’s website includes links to all ten discussion papers and the drafts currently available of the new Code at here (February 29, 2024 – HCB)
June 2023: Australian Dangerous Goods Code Review - Working Group Discussion Paper #4: Safety equipment for dangerous goods transport, as part of the full review of the Australian Dangerous Goods Code. Feedback due July 9, 2023, click here.
June 2023: Australian Dangerous Goods Code Review - Working Group Discussion Paper #5: Fire extinguishers for dangerous goods transport, as part of the full review of the Australian Dangerous Goods Code. Feedback due July 9, 2023, click here.
March 2023: Australia National Transport Commission: Performance Requirements for Inner Packagings Guidance. The purpose of this guideline is to assist duty holders such as packaging manufacturers, packers and consignors to interpret and apply the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail (the ADG Code) requirements for inner packagings. Guidance Document… (March 3, 2023 – NTC)
January 2023: Australian Dangerous Goods Code Update. Edition 7.8 is the latest edition of the ADG Code. It can be used from 1 April 2023 and is mandatory from 1 April 2024. The commencement date in some states may be later than 1 April 2023, please check with your competent authority. Appendix C: Emergency Action (Hazchem) Codes is published here as a stand-alone document. As part of the NTC’s agreement to use this information, Appendix C: cannot be printed or copied. The dangerous goods list in Table 3.2.3 is also available to download here in excel.